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Powhatan Village Farmers Market

Powhatan Village Farmers Market Logo

The Powhatan Village Farmers Market is a grower's market, featuring farm-fresh seasonal produce, grass-fed meats, fruits and berries, honey, baked goods and select artisan crafts. We are located on the beautiful grounds of Bienvenue in the Village of Powhatan. Built in 1820, Bienvenue is the ideal setting for a farmers market - it's a park-like setting with plenty of parking and grass covered by large shade trees for vendors to set up on. We also have weekly food trucks, live music and a kid zone. Stop by for dinner and stock up for the week on fresh local products! 

Market Location: 
Bienvenue Event Center, 3841 Old Buckingham Road, Powhatan, VA 23139

Thursdays, May - September 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM

Vendor Registration:
To register as a vendor visit the Marketspread site

EMAIL: market@powhatanva.gov 

PHONE: 804-598-5275

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