Powhatan Parks and Recreation
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If you would like to use an athletic field/facility, you need to make a reservation. Requests must be submitted on the Athletic Field/Facilities Request Form. For more information, please contact the Recreation Manager at 804-598-5275.
A certificate of insurance is required for all user organizations and teams. It must contain the following terms and coverage and be submitted with the request form:
  • Public liability and property damage insurance in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence; The County of Powhatan must be named as the certificate holder as follows: “County of Powhatan, 3834 Old Buckingham Road, Powhatan, VA 23139”;
  • The County of Powhatan must be named as additional insured as follows: “County of Powhatan, Virginia, its officers, agents, and employees”; and
  • The coverage shall not be canceled or reduced without at least thirty (30) days written notice to the County.
    A copy of the team roster with current addresses must also be submitted with the request form for team field use other than tournaments or camps.

Organized community groups, teams, and citizens shall be permitted to use county and school fields and facilities for worthwhile purposes when such uses do not interfere with the events or programs of the county government, including the Parks and Recreation Department. The use of the county facilities shall be available when the request form is submitted in the prescribed manner and approved by the Recreation Manager. All users of county fields/facilities shall be subject to federal, state, and local laws, policies and regulations of the Board of Supervisors and Recreation Manager, as well as the following procedures.

Community groups, teams, or users are those who are not performing responsibilities of the county government during the time of the facility use.

Conditions of Use
  1. Advance payment of fees (if applicable) shall be required and refunded if disapproval of the application is necessary.
  2. The group for whom the field/facility is approved for use shall:
    1. Have adequate third-party liability coverage;
    2. Be held responsible for the proper care of the field/facility;
    3. Be held responsible for the proper conduct of persons in attendance;
    4. Leave the grounds/building free of trash, debris, etc., and in similar condition to
      those which existed prior to authorized use; and
    5. Hold the county harmless from any damages or claims arising from the action of
      the permit holder, his/her employees, and members of the organization, team, or patrons while the facility is in use.
  1. Exterior signs, banners and other types of display materials must be approved in advance by the Recreation Coordinator. Signs may not block the view of the public, cause a distraction, or obscure any other signs and must be taken down at the conclusion of the rental or use of the field/facility. Certain types of signs and banners, such as political or for-profit materials will not be approved for exterior display.
  2. Fields/facilities may not be used past midnight.
  3. The use of alcoholic beverages on county property is prohibited.
  4. Smoking inside buildings is not allowed.
  5. Occupancy limitations must be observed.
  6. All entrances and exits must remain barrier free.
  7. Food and refreshments may not be sold or served unless approved by the Recreation Coordinator.
  8. Motorized vehicles shall not be driven on any area except the paved roadways or parking areas. This restriction shall not apply to officials, agents, or employees while properly engaged in the scope of their employment or to authorized persons delivering supplies or performing maintenance or repairs.
  9. Roller skates, roller blades, skateboards, scooters, and bicycles are prohibited on the sidewalks and areas adjacent to the concession stands. However, this restriction shall not apply to those with disabilities requiring the use of motorized scooters.
  10. No dogs are permitted, except on the park trails and only if on a leash; however this restriction shall not apply to properly documented guide dogs or other service animals when accompanied by the person to whom they provide assistance. Please clean up after your pet.
  11. The kindling of any fire is prohibited. Portable barbecues, hibachis, gas grills, etc. are prohibited. Fireworks or other flammable materials are also prohibited on park grounds.
  12. Each user is responsible for ensuring that all trash is removed from all fields/facilities, player benches, bleachers, dugouts, etc. and deposited in the appropriate receptacles and/or bagged and disposed of appropriately in a dumpster.
  13. Soft toss against baseball/softball field fences and buildings is strictly prohibited. Teams may utilize batting cages or bring their own soft toss nets for the purpose of taking soft toss warm-ups.
  14. Parking is allowed in designated parking areas only, and overnight parking is strictly prohibited.
  15. County and school fields will be managed in a manner that maximizes facility use, efficiency, and revenue generation.
  • In the event of an accident or injury, an Accident Report must be filled out and a copy submitted to the County as soon as possible.
  • The County reserves the right to refuse or deny the use of parks, fields/facilities, or school grounds to any individual or group that is acting in a derogatory manner.
  • All planned uses of county fields/facilities by groups and teams shall be automatically cancelled when such fields/facilities are closed because of inclement weather or other emergency conditions.
Field/Facility Closure

Every attempt will be made to open fields/facilities for games, practices, tournaments, and events; however, the County reserves the right to cancel any activities at any time due to inclement weather or any other condition deemed detrimental to the field/facility or the public. Examples of conditions that may require the alteration or cancellation of any scheduled activity include, but are not limited to:
  • Standing water or puddles on the field;
  • Footing is unsure and slippery;
  • Ground is waterlogged and squishy;
  • Grass can be dislodged from the ground easily;
  • Frost, snow, sleet, or freezing rain;
  • Lightning:
    o In the event of lightning during an activity, all persons on the property must retreat
    to their vehicles or move inside of a nearby building. Congregating in or around the
    dugouts or under the pavilion is prohibited when lightning is present.
  • Severe weather storms;
  • Unsafe field/facility conditions;
  • Use of the field/facilities would cause damage; or
  • During the time of an annual turf management program that provides rest and renovation
    periods for the athletic fields as part of the overall maintenance program.
    The County maintains a field hotline for notification of field closure. The hotline will be updated by approximately 4 p.m. on weekdays. Field use is strictly prohibited when officially closed in order to avoid damage and/or injuries. The Field Closure Hotline number to call is 804-598-1304.

Application Procedures
  • The individual submitting the request form must have the authority to enter into a legal contract on behalf of the organization represented.
  • The Recreation Manager has administrative authority to schedule the use of all county and designated school fields/facilities. The Recreation Manager is authorized to approve or disapprove Athletic Field/Facility Request Forms. Reservations for the use of fields/facilities shall be made only after approval by the Recreation Manager.
  • Groups shall be scheduled in the order of date of application (first come, first served), as space permits, based on the following priority system:
    • Priority 1....County government and recreational and educational uses.
    • Priority 2....Non-profit, community group, and civic club uses.
    • Priority 3....For profit uses.
Property Damage
The user shall be responsible for any and all damage to the County’s premises, equipment, and property caused by its participants/guests/attendees. After an activity is concluded, if there is damage to the County’s premises, equipment, and/or property, or if there is a need for additional maintenance of the fields or facilities (in excess of normal services/time), the charge for all such costs shall be assessed against the user.

  1. A schedule of fees shall be established by the Board of Supervisors annually.
  2. Certain fees may be waived and must be requested in writing.
  3. All payments must be made payable to the Powhatan County Treasurer. Payments should never be made directly to employees.page4image1350872976
Appendix A Fee Schedule
Independent Youth & Adult Tournaments or Camps:
(Baseball, Softball, Soccer, Etc. Cost Per Day, Per Field for 3+ Hours)

Affiliated League Youth & Adult Tournaments or Camps: (Benefit, Youth, & Adult Cost Per Day, Per Field for 3+ Hours)
Tournaments & Camps, Grooming Per Occurrence After Initial Field Prep: (Fees Apply to Independent & Affiliated Tournament Groups)
$100.00 $50.00
Independent Team Practices:
Independent Team Games:
(Youth & Adult Cost Per Day, Per Field for a Max of 2 Hours with Lights Included)
$25.00 $50.00
Non-Powhatan County Residents:
(Baseball, Softball, Soccer, Pickleball Players, Etc. Cost Per Participant, Per Season for Independent & Affiliated Teams, not for Tournaments or Camps)
Pocahontas Landmark Center Gym & Training Room Rates During Business Hours: Affiliated Groups/Leagues (Pickleball, Little League, PSA, etc.) Hourly Rate: Independent Groups/Leagues, Organizations, etc. Hourly Rate:
$25.00 $50.00
Pocahontas Landmark Center Gym & Training Room Rates During Non-Business Hours: Affiliated Groups/Leagues (Pickleball, Little League, PSA, etc.) Hourly Rate: Independent Groups/Leagues, Organizations, etc. Hourly Rate:
$50.00 $100.00
*If the County closes the fields, make-ups and credits towards future rentals will apply. When closed due to inclement weather, groups may still incur costs if services were performed prior to cancellation. Refund request for County cancellations may be submitted in writing to the County Administrator’s designee and will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Benefit tournament, camp, and event fee waivers may also be requested in writing.